Cm3 (SS 2007)

title CELLmicrocosmos 3 - CellEditor
semester SS 2007
periode 11.04.2007-19.12.2007
leader Björn Sommer, Prof. Ralf Hofestädt
doc.number 392149
amount 4 SWS
participants Chan Lin
Olga Mantler
Ufuk Aydin
Xiaoliang Song
summary The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos 3 is to build the first version of a cell generating editor.



The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos 3 is to build the first version of a cell generating editor. Before we will be able to create a more realistic cell model, we first want to create a very simple cell model containing the basic cell components.

pre_Cm3_project__1_0 (swf)
- the introduction of the course, for navigation use the arrow-keys

talks 02.05.2007

VRML vs. X3D, Lin Chan/Xiaoliang Song (pdf)
- a basic comparison between VRML and X3D

CELLmicrocosmos III CELLeditor,
Olga Mantler/Ufuk Aydin (pdf)

- an introduction into the cell, its components and
  the first ideas towards the 3d visualization of the cell

talks 10.05.2007

Applikation zur Darstellung von biologischen Zellen,
Marion Zysik (pdf)

- a first glance at the aims of Marion's diploma thesis

Das PDB-Format, Björn Sommer (swf)
- a very short look at the PDB format
 for navigation use the arrow-keys (german)

talk 26.09.2007

das lastenheft, Björn Sommer (swf)
- a short introduction to the usage of a lastenheft
 for navigation use the arrow-keys (german)


Here you can have a look at the results of the CELLmicrocosmos 3 project.


CellMicrocosmos3Praesentation.pdf (pdf)
- this is the presentation hold at the 20th December 2007

docuCM3_version2 (pdf)
- the documentation of the Cm3 project, containing some
 informations about the installation, navigation and
 component distribution processes of the celleditor

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