Cm2 (WS 2005/2006)

title CELLmicrocosmos II - MembranVisualisierung
semester WS 2005/2006
periode 17.10.2005-10.02.2006
leader Dr. Dieter Lorenz
doc.number 392175
amount 4 SWS
participants Sebastian Janowski
Dominik Mertens
Jan Pieniak
Robert Schmieder
Björn Sommer
Martha Zakrzewski
summary The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos II was the creation of a 3d-model of a cell membrane.


The aim of the project CELLmicrocosmos I has been the integration of existing 3D-models into the Amira application for interactive exploring purposes.

In addition we revised the models taken from the results of the bachelor project and had a deeper look at the biology of cells. Therefore we explored the literature and made a first version of cellbiological texts, which later on should be used in our Amira application.

If you want to have a closer look at our visual results, please visit the picture page and choose the accordant project.


Here you can download a few of our results of CELLmicrocosmos I:

Grundlagen der Zellbiologie und Elektronenmikroskopie (pdf)

Illustrationen zur virtuellen Zelle (pdf)

Storyboard (pdf)


The aim of the project seminar CELLmicrocosmos II was the creation of a 3d-model of a cell membrane.

For this purpose we generated a programme which uses PDB-files to generate a segment of a membrane.

Our results, papers and the program you will find below.

If you want to have a closer look at some visual results, please visit the picture page and choose the accordant project.


Here you can download the results of our CELLmicrocosmos II project, it will be surely released under the GNU GPL license soon:

the MembraneEditor

Cm2__rel_1_0 (html)

- the Cm2 release and install notes (english)
Cm2__rel_1_01 (zip)
- the release 1.01 with some important bug fixes occured during
 the master thesis, please refer to the forum for more
 informations on the chances; the documentation did not chance

Cm2__rel_1_0 (zip)
- the whole MembraneEditor as JAVA-files including
 a modified version of Jmol and a few PDB-files

Cm2_doc__rel_1_0 (html) | Cm2_doc__rel_1_0 (zip)
- the documentation of the MembraneEditor (english),
 for download-puposes please choose the html-link


CELLmicrocosmos_II_intro (ppt)
- the first introduction to the possible aims of the project (german)

doc_membraneditor__1_3 (pdf)
- the first scribble of the MembraneEditor (english)

pre_Cm2__1_0 (swf)
- the presentation of the results, for navigation use the arrow-keys

In addition you can have a look at some screenshots at the picture page.

Air Jordan XXXII