Virtual Reality in der Systembiologie
(WS 2004/2005)

title Virtual Reality in der Systembiologie
semester WS 2004/2005
periode 11.10.2004-04.02.2005
leader Dr. Dieter Lorenz
doc.number 392145
amount 2 SWS
participants Anita Benzel
Lisa Czaja
Svenja Daschkey
Sebastian Janowski
Dominik Mertens
Simon Pamiés
Jan Pieniak
Sandra Solle
Björn Sommer
Maik Tiemann
Martha Zakrzewski
summary Part of this seminar was the discussion of theoretical and practical VR-concepts whithin the scope of System Biology.


Part of this seminar was the discussion of theoretical and practical VR-concepts whithin the scope of System Biology. Originally, tt was not intended to be a part of the CELLmicrocosmos project, but because the topic was a good preparation for the following seminars, it appears here also as a part of this page.

The following literature and software had to be exermined for the project:

  • VR-Concepts in General
  • VR in Bioinformatics: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics
  • Volume Rendering and Interactive Visualization of Biological and Medical Datasets
  • Data Mining Capabilities for Drug Discovery
  • Interactive Molecular Dynamics VR Software
  • VR in Systems Biology Education
  • etc ...


A view screenshots of our Open Inventor project you may find at the picture page.


- the presentation of Open Inventor


- the paper to Open Inventor